Cheng Bohan

职牒(Position certificate) In Daoism,as apprentice,after Master's test and examination,with the confirm of the Master,Daoist Priest will have a Position in the heaven because they are the Officers that represents the Heaven. With this certificate,you can practice your Daoism sorcery,magic,and ceremony legally.
All the Heavenly Position need to issue with the Celestial Master's approval. And only the Priest who have position Du Gong Ji Jiu Official(Overseers of Practise and Ritual Officiant of Alcohol Offering Ritual都功祭酒)can deliver Holy Letters to deities. Therefore, many Quanzhen Priest also beg for Heavely Position and beg for the Lu. There are many Patriarchs have the Position of Du Gong Ji Jiu Official,such as Bai Yuchan, Qiu Chuji. They are known to be Patriarchs of Quanzhen Clan, but they are also vassles of the Celetial Masters and their descendants such as Wei Huacun,the patriarch of Shangqing Clan.